Take Back Your Time

Kids or no kids, most of us want to feel like we have more time for doing fun things. In the 21st century, we have access to more time-saving services than ever before. Imagine we…

Creating the Perfect Party: A Guide

You’ve decided you’re throwing a party, now what? Here at Ardent Fancy, we’re breaking down the basic guidelines for creating the perfect party (including some behind-the-scenes photos of a recent Teddy Bears’ Picnic birthday party)….

How To Throw a Lavish Party in a Small House

Thinking about throwing a party but you’re afraid your house is too small? Well, we’re here to put your concerns to rest with our quick how-to guide on maximizing your small house for parties – allowing you to have your cake and eat it too!

The Secret to Flawless Parties

Discover the secrets to hosting flawless parties in an effortless and relaxed style. Ardent Fancy has put together a guide for aspiring hosts who dream of having perfect parties without any stress. Overcome hosting anxiety by planning ahead.