Hello & Welcome to
Ardent Fancy
Ardent Fancy is a resource for working from home mothers, entrepreneurs, and everyday goal-getters all striving to build a better lifestyle. By documenting the ups and downs of my personal journey to a dream life, this blog will hopefully inspire you to take action in your own life.
On Ardent Fancy, you can learn the secrets to laidback party hosting, how to set goals you will actually achieve, and find tips for looking put together at a moment’s notice. The focus of this website is to create, build, and nourish our quality of life and make small steps each day towards our future. Think of this website as Martha Stewart meets Elle Woods.
About Me
My name is Heather and I’m a new mother working from home and I enjoy cooking, fashion and organizing. I sit here writing, in a tiny pink house in Galway, Ireland – not far from where I grew up but now with a husband and child of my own. Working from home while juggling motherhood, entrepreneurship, and a semi-social life. Nothing brings me more pleasure than sitting in a café drinking good coffee and making my baby smile. And nothing brings me more sorrow than finishing a well-loved notebook and eating the last homemade cookie on a Friday night.
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